Resocono di operato cheratotomia circolare del dott KRUMEICH
Resocono di cheratotomia circolare del dott KRUMEICH ... uage_tools
On Wednesday I am thus with this method with Dr. Krumeich that reason for these OI was operated in Bochum that I have a failed Transplantation behind me on my left eye and my right eye began in stage 4 over "to tilt" which for me only times blindly its would mean up to the next Transplantation. For these OI is not important believes I that the thickness of the cornea/callosity under 400 is.
My date was at 9 o'clock my nut/mother drove with me at 7 o'clock after Bochum there arrived had I only once bezahlen(1.790 ¤) and the tests those my family doctor made to deliver.
Then I in the OI Berich had received I something to wait some emergencies there bring here between them waren.Nachdem I the smock and the hood for the OI me still the blood pressure was measured and I downward brought, where the OP`s I take place here met Dr. Krumeichn who I first times communicated who I since I the lenses rauslasse correct Hornhautschmerzen have, a pressure feeling.
After some time one brought me then in the OI got I garede hall here as to another patient a syringe in the eye set become over a Kanuele has I then drops gotten those probably a little to still also calm down in such a way got I the syringe should now in the eye, which much hurt after was my eye deaf and I could not move it any longer.
A sister pushed me somewhere where Dr. Krumeich and I think its son on me warteten.Man stuck me a "cover" of the whole body, to on the right eye and began with the OI.
I was the whole time with full consciousness, was appropriate however for rum the physicians concentrated worked there only quietly and me nix asked.
With the OI with a round measurer a circular cut was made into the cornea/callosity. This was with the noise and the feeling with the dentist to compare if bores, only evenly at the Auge.In this cut then a metal ring was put and insert of these whole procedures I much received only always the statements of the physicians did not snap open naturally. The comments during the OI were rather positive up to once, where a thread must once had the physician the Betaeubung is differently put somehow to re-spray, apparent moved my eye still too much, I believes that was however direct before the interference.
The operation took approx. a 3/4 hour.
Afterwards I was again rausgebracht to put with the attempt me up went through my cycle not completely and I had only still another one while to lie.
The eye is sealed and is to be opened only to the drop.
Umittelbar after the OI one does not have no pain, since the half head was betaeubt, I has my half head feel thus went to me first times completely well, for the cycle got I still another Cola and became with differently drops, pain tablets and other tablets to dismiss and should on the next morning again introduce itself.
The day spent I with acquaintance of my parents in Bochum some guest room had, my nut/mother drove me there.
Here I listened to first times a few hearing books. To me still completely well rereads then however the Betaeubung went and the pain in the eye always became heftiger.Dr. Krumeich gave to me for this case eye drop, which struggles the pain in the eye, however these also the welfare process would slow down, therefore I tried on it too verzichten.Ich took however each quantity other pain means, only aspirin should I not take.
After a jerky night I went then on the next morning again to Dr. Krumeich, who was completely contently with suppl.-smooth-eats and heim.Ich became for one week ill more geschrieben.Er recommended me still another optician in Aachen with which I sent myself the check make should, where I can open the eye then so far also twice be since Sunday I again during a longer period and left the pain. That pinch and zwacken which I still in the eye feel now comes from the seams those probably still against the rough places rub meant the optician.
My Augentrpfen is Isopto - max, 4x, and Ecolicin 3 x, into which I had to take still Amoxicillin(tablette) to first three days to me.
From seeing I hardly notice improvements, whereby I did not really expect this also, I hope that the KC thereby am stopped and with me due to rounder the cornea/callosity a lens become by the ring am more simply adapted kann(lt Krumeich should this no Keratokonus lens be) then the no more do not hurt.
Should not be sufficient these OI the KC stop, one can make also still another cross-linking at the eye in a half year.
The eye should remain stable in a half year a Artisan lens would be used can then one would wake up and directly which would see.
Like it with eye continues to go white I not, becomes to you however of it to report. The threads are to remain so for a long time in the eye to it problems prepare, perhaps also always.
There the right eye first times for 3-4 weeks wird(dann can one fails a lens adapt) I on the left of before a new lens and new eyeglasses make let around at least somewhat too sehem.Auf the transplantierten eye comes oneself I in such a way on 50%.
Soon still another if picture of the eye will insert, looks quite interesting. Of regarded shines the titanium ring correctly, away from further looks it took like a lens. One cannot recognize the cuts
Hope that the report unite from you perhaps something brings, if you ask have can to it it place.