FORUM Associazione A.M.C.

In 2 dopo il trapianto.. si beccano il KC!
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Autore:  scaistar [ lunedì 21 maggio 2007, 9:16 ]
Oggetto del messaggio:  In 2 dopo il trapianto.. si beccano il KC!

Recurrence of Keratoconus in Two Corneal Grafts After Penetrating Keratoplasty.

Cornea. 26(3):362-364, April 2007.
Unal, Mustafa MD *; Yucel, Iclal MD *; Akar, Yusuf MD *; Akkoyunlu, Gokhan PhD +; Ustunel, Ismail PhD +
Purpose: To report the recurrence of postkeratoplasty keratoconus in 2 corneal grafts harvested from the same donor.

Design: Interventional case reports.

Methods: A 21-year-old-man with advanced keratoconus in his right eye and a 28-year-old-woman with corneal leucoma in her right eye underwent penetrating keratoplasty with 2 grafts coming from the same donor. Approximately 1.5 years after grafting, corneal irregularity and astigmatism caused visual acuities of the patients to decrease to counting fingers. Clinical findings and corneal topography suggested the recurrence of keratoconus. A repeat keratoplasty was performed in both patients.

Results: Histopathology of the excised corneal grafts was consistent with keratoconus and confirmed the preoperative diagnosis.

Conclusions: Recurrence of keratoconus in a patient who had no preexisting keratoconus and in 2 corneal grafts coming from the same donor suggested transmission of the disorder from the donor instead of true recurrence.

In sintesi: un 21enne a una 29enne a seguito di trapianto di cornea hanno riscontrato dopo circa un anno e mezzo un notevole peggioramento di astigmatismo. Le analisi suggeriscono una ricorrenza del cheratocono e ad entrambi è stato ripetuto il trapianto.
CONCLUSIONI: La comparsa del KC in pazienti che non ce l'avevano in precedenza, proveniente dalle 2 cornee dello stesso donatore, suggerisce che il cheratocono può essere stato trasmesso piuttosto che essersi sviluppato da solo...

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