altro caso di remissione associata ai sintomi psicologici di cui parlavo ... s-disease/Keratoconus: Seeing the Truth About This Disease
Posted on September 11, 2013 by Alethea
In 2012, a young woman named Grace, found my Blog while she was experiencing emotional and psychological anguish.
Grace took the name and phone number of my therapist, Ysatis De Saint-Simone, and Grace now has a story she wants to share with the world. In hope of helping others, Grace has written this article about healing Keratoconus naturally.
I am honored to publish this article:
~It seems that almost everyone I know is taking drugs, has had (or is contemplating) surgery, and is suffering with countless physical and mental/emotional symptoms. Thankfully, in recent years, there has been a decidedly warm embrace of “alternative” methods of healing, such as acupuncture, yoga, homeopathy and naturopathy.
Folks are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that their old habits and old strategies of dealing with illness (i.e., drugs and/or surgery) are just not working.
My own path of healing has taken me to many doctors, specialists and various clinics. None of the doctors, specialists or clinics offered me a solution I was at ease with. I started asking myself: if I have a “disease” shouldn’t I be searching for a solution that will grant back the EASE in my life?If I’m at dis-ease with a proposed healing solution, I am no better than when I started.
This nagging voice inside of me turned out to be a gift from God. I would like to share my story in hope that it may help someone out there who is going through the seemingly hopeless experience of being faced with a diagnosis, yet fearful of making the wrong choice.
In the summer of 2010, I went to the eye doctor, because I decided it was time for a new prescription. After two appointments, my doctor could not correct the problem I was having in my right eye, so he sent me to send me to a specialist who had more advanced tools.
In November of that year, I went to visit a corneal specialist and was diagnosed with keratoconus, a disease of the eye where the corneal skin stretches and distorts to a cone shape, which obstructs vision and is physically very uncomfortable. I was told this is a genetic disease (but they did not know what gene it was carried on), that it is bi-lateral, which means one day my left eye would also start to go hay-wire.
They also told me it is progressive, and could continue to get worse until eventual blindness in one or both eyes.
I was devastated. I spent the next two years going back and forth to the specialist (to see if the disease progressed) and the optometrist, to get a prescription for glasses that I could function with. The disease had progressed enough for the specialist to finally suggest surgery.
The specialist told me, “if you were my daughter, this is what I would suggest you do.”
I thought; I’m so young! I don’t want to have surgery. What if there are complications and I lose my eyesight altogether?
Something did NOT sit right with me.
The surgery they suggested was Corneal collagen cross-linking (also known as CXL, C3-R, CCL and KXL). The procedure entails the removal of the top layer of the cornea, putting drops of riboflavin (Vitamin B3)

o the eyeballs, and let it “cure” under UV-A light for about a half hour. The patient is awake during the procedure. The riboflavin drops are supposed to harden the collagen links across the cornea, so that the stretching and distorted cone-shape characteristic of the disease would stop progressing.
There is a high success rate for this surgery. There is just one thing: it does NOT claim to improve vision, or remove the disease; it is only meant as an attempted halt to its progressive nature.
I considered all the options: getting one eye done, having both eyes done, having rings inserted into my cornea to “push down” on the cone and help improve vision a little…the possibilities seemed endless.
I was also being advised by the surgical team to get my “better” eye done to maintain its relatively healthy eyesight. The estimated cost was approximately $7,000 for both eyes, not covered under any sort of insurance plan, and with no guarantee.
My life was being affected by my eyesight: I was no longer able to read text on my computer screen without experiencing excruciating pain and discomfort from the light sensitivity associated with a distorted cornea. All rounded letters (P, C, S, O, etc.) blurred into one illegible smudge and I was unable to grade work handed in by my students without holding it an inch from my nose. The disease was quite obviously progressing, but there was still that voice within…
I decided to bring it to the attention of my therapist, Ysatis de Saint-Simone, who suggested immediately that we begin working on this issue. I am in the process of healing, and have already noticed a decided improvement in my vision. I was driving a few months ago (something I was never able to do without glasses that I now do without). I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me, that read “CO-EXIST”. With so many rounded letters I was surprised to notice that I was able to read the word! This, in addition to the fact that I can actually drive without glasses and still see street signs, is proof that my eye is returning to natural, at a gentle pace.
As it turns out, my eyesight has been particularly significant in a spiritual sense. Through the intense therapy with Dr. De Saint-Simone, I have learned that my vision problems were directly linked to my history of dealing with being sexually abused and sexualized as a child.
Since the age of about four, I was sexually abused by my older sister. I struggled with debilitating confusion about my sexuality for years, and was deeply unhappy.
There is a connection between my past and my vision. The subconscious mind was creating issues in my eyes because I literally did not want to see, or See (capital S intentional). I was afraid of seeing, of facing the ugliness of the abuse and its effects on me. So I was, quite literally, making myself blind.
I have no doubt that vision problems for others (maybe not everyone, but definitely some folks) are linked to not wanting to see the truth, out of fear. I am still in the process of healing, but I have noticed a decided improvement in my vision. By “turning a blind eye” to the things in my life that I needed to face, my physical body was reacting in a literal sense. My subconscious mind was screaming, LOOK, SEE, HEAL!
I am currently in the process of working on this step of my healing journey. I have noticed that when I see something and do not react appropriately, or give in to fear of others’ not accepting me, my eye immediately reacts and I start to notice more blurriness, halos around lights, etc. I know that my own quest for truth is intimately linked to my eye sight, and I will not be 100% healed of this eye condition until I commit myself ever more fully to living in Truth and not being afraid of seeing things as they truly are.
I recently adopted a cat that I had known was being abused and neglected by a family member. I was extremely distressed when I heard this cat (who was “part of the family” for 6 years!) was going to be placed in a shelter, where she would undoubtedly be euthanized.
As I toiled over this poor cat’s situation, trying to locate someone who would adopt her, my eye sight was strained. Through the grace of God, I soon realized that I wanted to adopt her myself —to rescue this poor creature from a fate she did not deserve. I have realized that my cat is a living manifestation of exactly why my eye sight was faulty, and more importantly, why I need to heal it.
By seeing that this cat was in an abusive situation (which was not easy, since she was under the care of a family member whom I always considered a “good mother”), I considered her life with deep understanding and stepped in to save her. I am not relating this story to exalt myself as a “good person”, but rather to use this instance to help illustrate the importance of seeing clearly, which is necessary in order to take appropriate and necessary action. This has been a powerful step in my healing journey.
I also realized that, had I not worked on Seeing the Truth of my abuse history, I never would have confronted my sister. I never would have had the clarity to see how important it was so speak to her, in an attempt to save our ever-strained relationship. I never would have been able to say to her “It was NOT natural or mutual sexual exploration, it was ABUSE to me, and it almost ruined my entire life!” I would have continued to let the pit of resentment grow within and I would be that much farther from truly healing.
SEEING has been my key to freedom. I have no doubt that my eyesight will continue to improve. As it does, I will be more able to see how to approach the shifting relationship I have with myself and others, and undo all the negative effects the abuse has had on my life.
I look forward to healing my eye sight completely. Even writing this article is an important step on my journey, because I am realizing that in seeing the truth about this “disease”, I am able to share my story and potentially help others who are facing the same diagnosis. I have been given a very important gift: The desire for Truth, and especially the Truth in seeing things clearly.
It is important to note that every person is unique; every soul has experienced different childhoods and thus, different forms of abuse, neglect, emotional abandonment, or trauma. Not everyone with Keratoconus has the same kind of abusive history as Grace, but everyone has the potential to heal themselves safely and naturally, by getting to their own root cause of their illness and disease.
The mind/body connection can no longer be ignored by the medical field. Nor can it be ignored by people themselves, unless they want to suffer and have countless surgeries for the rest of their lives, and unless they want to continue to take life-altering pharmaceutical drugs —drugs that can kill them, or cause them serious harm.
You can also heal from Keratoconus naturally, with Grace’s psychoanalyst. Anyone who has a will to heal, and a telephone, can heal themselves of the many illnesses, diseases, and psychological problems that most medical doctors and mental health experts cannot cure –or from problems that are “treated” with expensive and dangerous surgery, implants, or with pharmaceutical drugs.
Contact me for the telephone number of Grace’s therapist:
sanjuanangel7@yahoo.comThe therapy can be done by telephone, from most anywhere in the world. You can read more about the therapy, what she can help you with, and Dr. De Saint-Simone by clicking