FORUM Associazione A.M.C. - Leggi argomento - Sicurezza di un intervento di cross-linking...


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Sicurezza di un intervento di cross-linking... 
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
Messaggio Sicurezza di un intervento di cross-linking...
Spoerl, Eberhard PhD *; Mrochen, Michael PhD +; Sliney, David PhD ++; Trokel, Stephen MD [S]; Seiler, Theo MD, PhD +

Safety of UVA-Riboflavin Cross-Linking of the Cornea.

Conclusions: After corneal X-linking, the stroma is depopulated of keratocytes ~300 [mu]m deep. Repopulation of this area takes up to 6 months. As long as the cornea treated has a minimum thickness of 400 [mu]m (as recommended), the corneal endothelium will not experience damage, nor will deeper structures such as lens and retina. The light source should provide a homogenous irradiance, avoiding hot spots.

Dopo il crosslinking lo stroma subisce uno spopolamento di keratociti fino a 300 micron di profondità. Il ripopolamento di quest'area richiede circa 6 mesi. Se la cornea trattata ha almeno 400 micron di spessore (come raccomandato) l'endotelio non subisce alcun danno, come pure il cristallino e la retina.
La sorgente laser dovrebbe emanare un fascio di luce costante, evitando zone più intense sovraesposte.;jsessionid=G5jT5hFnhJw7Hvpy5nFmt2hGnzvVKT6c80pQthTp2NG2vKdH6G2S!3145886!-949856145!8091!-1

“Live Together, Die Alone”

giovedì 3 maggio 2007, 15:40
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
La conferma viene anche dall'ennesimo studio italiano presentato dall'equipe di Siena

Treatment of Progressive Keratoconus by Riboflavin-UVA-Induced Cross-Linking of Corneal Collagen: Ultrastructural Analysis by Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph II In Vivo Confocal Microscopy in Humans.

Mazzotta, Cosimo PhD *; Balestrazzi, Angelo PhD *; Traversi, Claudio MD *; Baiocchi, Stefano PhD *; Caporossi, Tomaso MD +; Tommasi, Cristina MD *; Caporossi, Aldo MD *

Results: Rarefaction of keratocytes in the anterior and intermediate stroma, associated with stromal edema, was observed immediately after treatment. The observation at 3 months after the operation detected keratocyte repopulation in the central treated area, whereas the edema had disappeared. Cell density increased progressively over the postoperative period. At ~6 months, keratocyte repopulation was complete, accompanied by increased density of stromal fibers. No endothelial damage was observed at any time.

Conclusions: Reduction in anterior and intermediate stromal keratocytes followed by gradual repopulation has been confirmed directly in vivo in humans by HRT II-RCM confocal microscopy after riboflavin-UVA-induced corneal collagen cross-linking.;jsessionid=G5jT5hFnhJw7Hvpy5nFmt2hGnzvVKT6c80pQthTp2NG2vKdH6G2S!3145886!-949856145!8091!-1

“Live Together, Die Alone”

giovedì 3 maggio 2007, 15:43
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