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IROC receives CE- Approval for the UV-X System for the Treatment of Keratoconus
Zurich, January 2007. IROC: The renowned Institute for Refractive and Ophthalmo- Surgery
is expanding their international presence in the area of eye care. In cooperation with their
partner, Peschke Meditrade GmbH (Hünenberg, Switzerland) , the
international sales and distribution of the world’s first UV – Radiation system UV-XTM for
corneal cross-linking has been introduced.
From the pioneers of corneal cross-linking, this unique treatment concept offers the possibility
of treating specific diseases such as keratoconus, a pathological softening of the cornea. “I
would like to congratulate IROC on this professional solution”, comments the physicist and
scientific pioneer PD Dr. Eberhard Spörl (Technical University of Dresden, Germany) after
his first experience with the UV-X System from IROC. There is the sound hope that through
this evolutionary treatment procedure, corneal transplantations can be altogether avoided.
The UV-X System was developed over the last 5 years under the clinical direction of Prof. Dr.
Dr. Seiler (IROC, Zurich, Switzerland) and designed for an optimal clinical application. The
introduction of the system in December 2006 caused much excitement amongst those
specialists present (240 ophthamologists from 49 countries). Prof. Dr. Stephen Trokel
(Columbia University, USA) commented impressively about the new procedure, “Until now
we could only take something away or put something in to the cornea, now we can model the
cornea so that it takes on a new form.”
“The UV-corneal cross-linking is a result of the consequential pursuit of our mission
statement, “medicine, technology, and science to enhance the level of eyecare”, explains PD
Dr. Michael Mrochen (President, IROC). This high standard is fulfilled at IROC through the
integration of ophthalmologists, surgeons, opticians, engineers and scientists. Accordingly,
IROC is organized into different business departments all of which work very closely together
to implement and execute the mission statement.