FORUM Associazione A.M.C. - Leggi argomento - Il parere di un dottore americano a proposito di LAC e KC


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Il parere di un dottore americano a proposito di LAC e KC 
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 gennaio 2005, 15:06
Messaggi: 2109
Località: Napoli
Messaggio Il parere di un dottore americano a proposito di LAC e KC
Please have no fear wearing your contacts for KC.
The FDA requires that 250 microns remain after LASIK surgery to intentionally thin the cornea to remove prescriptions.
The normal cornea is 400-600 microns, and even with ectasia of KC the cornea in KC patients have never been shown to be at risk from the 22-24 microns of thinning from a contact lens.
I have seen countless patients have 40-60-80 microns removed (via LASIK) to get rid of glasses, never a problem ,as long as they still had 250 base. This issue on contacts is a "fun fact to know" but has no baring on KC and the vital role RGP lenses play in allowing people to live functional lives. Ever once read an article that blamed a contact lens for thinning a cornea AND causing a problem??
Never. --Feel free to wear your lenses and enjoy the vision they allow,
which is impossible with eyeglasses.
This is an acceptable, well researched side effect....Not a contraindication
for lens wear.--

Dr McGregor,Dallas,Tx

sabato 23 aprile 2005, 9:18
Purtroppo però una cornea con KC non può essere paragonata ad una cornea sana, sia pure di uguale spessore. La prima è potenzialmente instabile e sicuramente indebolita strutturalmente. O no?

sabato 23 aprile 2005, 9:25
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