TRATTO DA ... uage_tools
ARK of OI results -
Are (were) in Rome, < list with Visus data >
At the end of the line with in each case first the date (where admits) a symbol for the satisfaction with the OI/treatment is added:
Thus no wrong impression develops:
The chief work at this list, i.e. collecting and inserting the data settled Norbert. Thank you Norbert.
Many greetings, franc
OK= very contently
SMILE= contently
SAD= not contently
(conditions 07,02,2005)
OK: 16
SAD : 3
April 2005
Monday 04.04.2005
* Rico (Rico82) |- > 17.01.2005
March 2005
Monday 14.03.2005
* Gerd (Gerd 1978) |- > 11,10,04, 10.01.05
February 2005
Monday 14.02.2005
* Anne Kathrin (AnneGoldi) |- > 12,07,04, 26,07,04, 27.09.04
* Tim (Tim_OS_78)
Monday 28.02.2005
* Anja (Anja_1) |- > 26,05,04, 12,07,04, 11.10.04
* Christian (chriztian) |
* Monika |
* Ralph |- > 10,05,04, 12.07.04
January 2005
Monday 10.01.2005
* Arne (arnie) |
* Gerd (Gerd 1978) |2. Date, only investigation|- > 11,10,04, 14.03.05
Monday 17.01.2005
* Rico (Rico82) |1. Date and OI| HHD 450/420 µm|Sehst. before: 60/<60?%| afterwards: 95/85%| ok
* Jackob |- > 11,10,04, 13.12.04
Monday 31.01.2005
* Jessy (Jessica) |- > 08.11.04
* Norbert (Norbert S) |- > 27,09,04, 15.11.04
December 2004
Monday 06.12.2004
* Sebastian |1. Date and OI| HHD 460/480 µm|Sehst. before: 50%| afterwards: 70%| Smile
* Stefan fox |2. Date, only investigation|- > 11.10.
Monday 13.12.2004
* Jackob |- > 2. Date, 2. OI|11.10.04, 17.01.05
Monday 20.12.2004
* Deni |2. Date, only investigation|- > 25.10.04
November 2004
Monday 08.11.2004
* Jessy (Jessica) ||1. Date and OI| HHD /? µm|Sehst. before: 2/60%| afterwards: 95/100%|- > 31.01.05| ok
Monday 15.11.2004
* Hari ||1. Date and OI| HHD /? µm|Sehst. before: 20/10%| afterwards: 100/60%| ok
* Norbert (Norbert S) |2. Date, only investigation|Sehst. before: < 30/<10%| nachher1.: 50/50%| nachher2.: 70/50%|- > 27.09., 31.01.
Monday 22.11.2004
* Christian (chriztian) |1. Date and OI| HHD /? µm|Sehst. before: 10/75%| afterwards: 35/75%| Sad
* Monika |
October 2004
Monday 11.10.2004
* Anja (Anja_1) |- > 26,05,04, 12,07,04, 28.02.05
* Claus |
* Daniel |1. Date and OI| HHD 410/430 µm|Sehst. before: < 10/<10%| afterwards: k. Change| Sad
* Gerd (Gerd 1978) ||1. Date and OI| HHD 520/470 µm|Sehst. before: 50/10%| afterwards: 100/40%|- > 10,01,05, 14.03.05| ok
* Jackob |1. Date, 1. OI|- > 13,12,04, 17.01.05| ok
* Stefan fox |1. Date and OI| HHD 440/480 µm|Sehst. before: < 10/70%| afterwards: 100/120%|- > 06.12.| ok
Monday 25.10.2004
* Didi |- > 15,03,04, 25.04.04
* Marc |Investigation, no OI
* Deni |1. Date and OI| HHD < < 400 µm|Sehst. before: 20/50%| afterwards: 40/80%|- > 20.12.04 Smile
September 2004
Monday 27.09.2004
* Ulrike |further date, only investigation|- > 29.03., 19.01.
* Andreas (2) |- > 26,05,04, 26.07.04
* Anne Kathrin (AnneGoldi) |- > 12,07,04, 26,07,04, 14.02.05
* Joerg |1. Date and OI| ok
* Fr. S. E. |1. Date and OI| ok
* More olive (olbe) |2. Date and 2. OI|| HHD xx µm|Sehst. before: x/x%| nachher1.: x/x%| nachher2.: x/x%
* Norbert (Norbert S) |1. Date and OI| HHD 390/430 µm|Sehst. before: < 30/<10%| afterwards: 50/50%| nachher(15.11.): 70/50%|- > 15.11., 31.01.05| Smile
July 2004
Monday 12.07.2004
* Anja (Anja_1) |- > 26,05,04, 11,10,04, 28.02.05
* Anne Kathrin (AnneGoldi) ||1. Date and OI| HHD 380/380 µm|Sehst. before: 10/10%| afterwards: 50/50%|- > 26,07,04, 27,09,04, 14.02.05| ok
* More olive (Olbe) | ok
* Ralph |- > 10,05,04, 28.02.05
Wednesday 14.07.2004
* Claus
Monday 26.07.2004
* Andreas (2) |- > 26,05,04, 27.09.04
* Anne Kathrin (AnneGoldi) |- > 12,07,04, 27,09,04, 14.02.05
* Claus |
* Tobias (Tobias82) |
May 2004
Monday 10.05.2004
* Ralph ||1. Date and OI| HHD 460/490 µm|Sehst. before: 20/80%| afterwards: < 100/ %|- > 12,07,04, 28.02.05| ok
Monday 26.05.2004
* Andreas (2) |- > 26,07,04, 27.09.04| Sad
* Anja (Anja_1) |1. Date and OI| HHD 460/490 µm|Sehst. before: < 10/<50%| afterwards: < 80/100%|- > 12,07,04, 11,10,04, 28.02.05| ok
April 2004
Monday 05.04.2004
* Tobias (Tobias82) |
* Manoucher | ok
Wednesday 21.04.2004
* Daniel (stoneman) | ok
Monday 25.04.2004
* Didi |- > 15,03,04, 25.10.04
March 2004
Monday 15.03.2004
* Didi |1. Date and OI| HHD /? µm|Sehst. before: 30/70%| nachher1: 80/90%|| nachher2: 110/110% - > 25,04,04, 25.10.04| ok
Monday 29.03.2004
* Ulrike |- > 19.01., 27.09.
January 2004
Monday 19.01.2004
* Ulrike |1. Date and OI| HHD 430/200 µm|Sehst. before: 25/10%| Stood January 05 with eyeglasses: 95/30%|- > 29.03., 27.09.| ok
still is someone missing in the list? Are the data correct?
Many greetings, Norbert, franc