Gli Intacs designati come "Innesti corneali" dal F
La traduzione di "implants" da dizionario Collins è "innesti" ma forse sarebbe il caso di definirli "impianti" per non aumentare il caos (Igor perdonaci.. )
Intacs Gains FDA Designation as "Corneal Implants"
Des Plaines, IL (Jan. 4, 2006) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Addition Technology, Inc., the use of the term "corneal
implants" to describe Intacs, heretofore referred to as "prescription
"We are pleased with the FDA's recognition of Intacs as a therapeutic
device. Surgeons around the world have been utilizing Intacs as a mainstay
problem-solver for keratoconus and ectasia in corneal and refractive surgery and this designation assists in clarifying the appropriate positioning. 2005 saw us report our twelfth consecutive quarter of double-digit sales growth," said William Flynn, chief executive officer of Addition Technology.
"The positioning of Intacs as a therapeutic device will result in new levels
of sales and growth in 2006," predicted Flynn. "As Addition Technology has
achieved critical mass, we look forward to further expanding the benefit of
Intacs for surgeons and their patients around the globe. Intacs is also
beginning to be recognized by refractive surgeons as a safe alternative for
the two to three percent of mildly nearsighted patients desiring refractive
surgery for whom tissue ablation or intraocular surgery are not ideal."
Addition Technology, Inc., a privately held company, manufactures Intacs,
the only additive corneal implant approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration for both keratoconus and myopia. Intacs also are approved for use in Europe, Asia, Mexico and parts of Latin America. For more
information, visit