e ancora:
-Is there a definitive source on this procedure -- what is it, is it
approved, where can you get it, when is it indicated, does it work, etc?
No, there isn't.
The original research was done about three years ago in Germany on about 26
or 27 KC patients. It is still considered experimental, however, the VERY
LIMITED and INITIAL results show that it halts the progression of KC for at least
three years and no one has had any adverse side affects -- SO FAR. You should
probably spend a great deal of time reading up on it before opting to do it.
I did.
I chose to do it because it did not affect my ability to have a cornea graft
later and I was not a good candidate for a transplant. There was a very
significant risk that I could lose my eye if the graft rejected, so I wanted to buy
more time until artificial corneas were perfected, or maybe stem cell
research got underway. I was willing to go a long way in order to keep my own
Also, I wanted to do something to further research for non-surgical
approaches for KC. I am told I am probably the most progressed patient to ever have
CR-3 done and I may be the first to have Intacs done AFTER CR-3 (my cornea was
too thin to try Intacs first then CR-3). I am usually the worst case of KC
(actually PMD) any doctor has seen, or the second worst. I thought it important
to see if they could help people like me. Even if it does not work in the
end, I feel like it will have been worth it because at least the doctors will
know the limitations of the procedure. It may encourage some people to get it
done before they get too far. Most people's KC would not have been allowed to
progress this far, I just stubbornly refused a transplant.
I have a unique life situation that allows me to take off time to go see
doctors and I do spend time letting bunches of people (MD's, CLF's, techs) look at
my eyes, take topo's, etc. I also have the financial situation to pay for
this out of my own pocket. I would travel to any seminar for this purpose, on my
own dime, if it would help doctors treat their KC patients. I have released
all my records to be used for education. I believe this procedure is an
excellent option for some KC patients who are not good transplant candidates and I
want everyone to know it.
We KC'ers simply need more options.
If you write me off-list, I can tell you who does the procedure. I will also
take you into Mexico for the evaluation if you would like. I paid $700 for
mine. It was about 30 minutes. I am having a more extensive one done tomorrow
on the same eye, I'll let you know about it when I am able to write again.
Below are links for reading:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... db=PubMed&
http://www.ophthalmologytimes.com/ophth ... Detail.jsp
http://www.crstoday.com/PDF%20Articles/ ... chler.html
Knowledge is power.
(su quest'ultima cosa.. sono d'accordissimo!